First Aid Provision in GME
Module 10 – First Response
First Response training is a key resource in any leader’s toolkit. The course will allow you to explore the role of a first responder within a Scouting context, how to manage an unconscious casualty, causes of unconsciousness and treatment for minor ailments. This online resource will guide you through the theory of each of these key concepts. You do not have to complete the online training session in one go, but can return to it. The course is designed to be completed in 2 and a half hours but will depend on past experience, once successfully completed you will need to attend a 3 hour face to face session to validate your first response module. This is the only method to gain your first response requirements, unless you are part of an exempted occupation or hold an equivalent external course. Both of which need to be verified by our team before we can add to the system.
The link to the online First Aid training can be found here
Once you have completed Hampshire's online training please book on to the face to face session found through our TicketSource. The completion of both elements allows us to sign off your First Response Module in Full.
Professions with First Aid experience
The Scout Association does recognise that some professions by the nature of the job will have a first aid element; for example Nurses, Midwives, Police Officers, Medical Practitioners, Members of HM Armed Forces, Ambulance Care – Assistants/Paramedics/Technicians, etc. to exempt these professions from undergoing more first aid training, they are required to provide evidence of an up-to-date qualification which should meet the criteria for what is considered our minimum standard. With regards to ‘evidence’, this can be a certificate or an official letter confirming the necessary areas have been met.
You may be asked to complete online top-up learning to cover any gaps in requirements and attend a quick validation session to demonstrate child CPR. We can advise you on this once you make contact with us and supply a copy of your certifications.
This evidence will then need to be uploaded here so that your compass record can be updated accordingly.
If you have any questions relating to First Response, or wish to use external learning please email