Ken Marks
DCC Tameside & Glossop
My main role at present is to support adult scouting within the four Districts that make up the Tameside and Glossop areas.
I started my scouting career at the tender age of 8 with the Wolf Cubs at the 49th Bath (St John's) with Mrs Reid at my Akela, then onto the Scouts and onto the 4 Saints Venture Scout Unit in Bath. After getting my Queen's Scout Award I became an activity instructor with the 4 Saints Unit.
After moving to Ashton under Lyne, I joined the Hurst Venture Scout Unit. After a short while I helped restart the 12th Ashton (St Ann's) Scout Group. After several roles I became the Group Scout Leader and from there progressed to being the District Commissioner of North Tameside District for 12 years. After 'retiring' I became the Deputy County Commissioner for Tameside and Glossop.